Think of the last time you were the recipient of an act of kindness or generosity. How did it make you feel? Did it brighten up your day? Did you tell someone about it? Did it inspire you to pass kindness or generosity on to someone else? We cannot receive an act of kindness or generosity and not be positively impacted!
Six Gifts That Will Keep On Giving
When was the last time you received a genuine compliment, affirmation, or encouragement? How did that make you feel? I bet it didn’t happen very often in the last year. I also bet it was the highlight of your day (likely the highlight of your week) and just thinking about it energizes you now. That is a significant impact for just a few spoken words or a short note. What a great gift!
What’s the Purpose of All Your Money
Have you ever wondered why you have the money you have? You have means but what is its connection to meaning? To put it simply, what is the purpose of your money?
Mitch Anthony of Advisor Insights is a leading trainer for Financial Advisors. A month ago, I spoke at a national conference Mitch was speaking at. I gleaned some important insights from Mitch that I want to pass along.
The most common question I hear from clients is “Will I/do I have enough?” The answer to this question is something we regularly monitor for our clients. Mitch suggests a more valuable question to ask is “Am I managing my money in a way that is improving my life?” This requires the holistic approach our firm provides by addressing investment management, debt management, spending management, risk management, relational management, and financial & estate planning.
Three Steps To Create True Wealth
Are you wealthy or just rich? Unfortunately, most people confuse having money with being wealthy. Our culture suggests that success will be found at the next level. Whether that is the next income bracket, the next house, the next car, the next position; those next levels are always there for our grasp.
Leadership and the One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard
Leadership and the One Minute Manager® teaches managers the art of Situational Leadership®–a simple system that refutes the conventional management mandate of treating all employees equally. With this book, you will learn why customizing management styles to individual employees is very important. Tailoring management styles to individual employees is important; when to delegate, support, or direct; how to identify the leadership style suited to a particular person; and how consistent use of the One Minute techniques will produce better management and enhanced motivation on all levels.
Three Keys to Being A Multi-Millionaire
If you believe, as I do, that true wealth is made up of more than just money then you are much, much wealthier than you think. The key to enjoying your wealth is found in these simple steps:
• Stop
• Look, listen, feel, smell, taste
• Enjoy
4 Keys to Financial Contentment
Would you rather be content or rich? Rather than rush past this very important question, hit “pause” in your reading and actually answer the question. Chances are, you may have to search through a few layers of thought to find an answer you feel is genuine.
9 Awesome Ways To Engage Your Children And Grandchildren
Summer is an awesome time of the year! Think back to your favourite memories. I’ll bet some involve two things – summer and important relationships. Whether it’s time at a cottage, camping, or a trip to grandma’s house, we are wired to cherish relationships. One of the things we value most, as parents, are love and harmony throughout our family and rich times together to enjoy it.
Are You Leaving a Fraction of What You Could?
Our self-made, independent, North American lifestyle results in each generation basically starting over. Out of ignorance, we make the same mistakes of past generations and miss the incredible wisdom from the life lessons of those generations
The Truth About Market Lies
If you read the business section of any major newspaper or website in the last month, I’m sure you saw headlines suggesting what would happen in the markets in 2019. There are as many perspectives, as there are articles. Why is that? Because no one knows. So why do we expect someone can predict the future? Why are we always looking for that perfect fund manager?