Book Cover for Leadership and the One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard

Leadership and the One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard

Lisa HandleyBook, Business & Personal Growth, Business Management, Mentoring, Personal Growth, Wisdom for Life

Leadership and the One Minute Manager® teaches managers the art of Situational Leadership®–a simple system that refutes the conventional management mandate of treating all employees equally. With this book, you will learn why customizing management styles to individual employees is very important. Tailoring management styles to individual employees is important; when to delegate, support, or direct; how to identify the leadership style suited to a particular person; and how consistent use of the One Minute techniques will produce better management and enhanced motivation on all levels.

9 Awesome Ways To Engage Your Children And Grandchildren

Lisa HandleyBlog, Family, Mentoring, Philanthropic & Legacy Planning, Relationships, Wisdom for Life

Summer is an awesome time of the year! Think back to your favourite memories. I’ll bet some involve two things – summer and important relationships. Whether it’s time at a cottage, camping, or a trip to grandma’s house, we are wired to cherish relationships. One of the things we value most, as parents, are love and harmony throughout our family and rich times together to enjoy it.

Book Cover

Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance by Bob Buford

Lisa HandleyBook, Christian World View, Family, Mentoring, Relationships

Midlife. It doesn’t need to be a time of crisis—turn it into a catalyst for change! Buford uses personal insights, true-life examples, and inspiring quotes to set you on a course from mere success to true significance. Bob Buford founded the Halftime Institute, an organization designed to teach, coach, and connect marketplace leaders to discover God’s calling in their lives.


The Game Changer Most People Will Miss

Lisa HandleyBlog, Family, Financial & Estate Planning, Freedom, Generosity, Investment Management, Mentoring, Personal Growth, Philanthropic & Legacy Planning, Relationships, Spiritual, Wisdom for Life

I believe generosity is a game changer. In our own life and in our family. As parents, we all want our children to have a better life than we have. Unfortunately, living in an affluent society has led to high levels of entitlement and people that are very focused on themselves. Generosity is the antidote!