photo of man with fingers crossed behind his back

The Truth About Market Lies

Launch 48Blog, IM-3, Investment Management, Wisdom for Life

If you read the business section of any major newspaper or website in the last month, I’m sure you saw headlines suggesting what would happen in the markets in 2019. There are as many perspectives, as there are articles. Why is that? Because no one knows. So why do we expect someone can predict the future? Why are we always looking for that perfect fund manager?


How To Multiply Your Legacy By 2,000%

Lisa HandleyBlog, Family, Financial & Estate Planning, Freedom, Generosity, Investment Management, Money management, Philanthropic & Legacy Planning, PLP-3, Relationships, Stewardship, Wisdom for Life

I recently read “the quality of relationships- not the quantity of dollars – ultimately define quality of life.” * The older I get, and the more I speak with clients, the more this truth resonates with me. Our most valuable assets are the quality relationships with family and friends.

Are You the Greatest Risk to Your Net Worth

Lisa HandleyBlog, Family Business Succession, FBS-3, Financial & Estate Planning, Freedom, Investment Management, Philanthropic & Legacy Planning, Stewardship, Wisdom for Life

Chances are, if you died today, your net worth would drop like a rock. If most of your net worth is in a family business and/or real estate, the value your family receives could be 50% or less than what you expect.


The Game Changer Most People Will Miss

Lisa HandleyBlog, Family, Financial & Estate Planning, Freedom, Generosity, Investment Management, Mentoring, Personal Growth, Philanthropic & Legacy Planning, Relationships, Spiritual, Wisdom for Life

I believe generosity is a game changer. In our own life and in our family. As parents, we all want our children to have a better life than we have. Unfortunately, living in an affluent society has led to high levels of entitlement and people that are very focused on themselves. Generosity is the antidote!

The Fallacy of Financial Independence

Lisa HandleyBlog, Financial & Estate Planning, Investment Management, Money management, Retirement Planning, Wisdom for Life

I believe financial independence is impossible. Though most people pursue it; I certainly did in my early years of business. However, I now believe something better is possible. Financial independence is heavily promoted by the financial industry. It’s that place in life where we “arrive”, have enough and are secure. Financial planning tools often identify the dollar value of financial independence based on a person’s desired lifestyle.

“Please Pass The Turkey” (And Your Values)

Lisa HandleyBlog, Family, Financial & Estate Planning, Generosity, Relationships, Wisdom for Life

Thanksgiving is one of my favourite times of the year. Family, friends, tons of food, sunny cool weather, beautiful fall produce and the grandeur of the fall colours. It’s hard not to be thankful. Over the years, I have heard it said from many different sources that an “attitude of gratitude” is a key factor for success. As Canadians, we have SO much to be grateful for. Consistently, independent surveys rank our country in the top few, and often the top country, to live in the world!