Canada Wins Gold, USA Botches the Transfer. Which One Are You?

Amelia ZhangBlog

The recent Olympic 4 x 100 men’s relay is a great metaphor for family wealth transfer. You can have great team members but if the baton is not transferred well, you will have a disappointing finish. Are you and your heirs prepared for the hand off?


How To Multiply Your Legacy By 2,000%

Lisa HandleyBlog, Family, Financial & Estate Planning, Freedom, Generosity, Investment Management, Money management, Philanthropic & Legacy Planning, PLP-3, Relationships, Stewardship, Wisdom for Life

I recently read “the quality of relationships- not the quantity of dollars – ultimately define quality of life.” * The older I get, and the more I speak with clients, the more this truth resonates with me. Our most valuable assets are the quality relationships with family and friends.