It is natural in a time of sudden change and unknowns to focus on our own situation. Our natural instincts are for self preservation. That is a good thing, and it will help us adapt, persevere, find solutions, and overcome our challenges. Humans are resilient. Click to read more and learn What Generosity Can Look Like During Covid-19.
How Rich Are You?
It has been reported that when John D. Rockefeller was asked by a reporter “How much is enough?” he responded, “Just a little bit more”.
Although he was one of the most financially successful businesspeople in America, his response resonates with most of us. Regardless of the riches we have accumulated, we all know others in our circles that we feel have accumulated more and we would like to have more.
9 Awesome Ways To Engage Your Children And Grandchildren
Summer is an awesome time of the year! Think back to your favourite memories. I’ll bet some involve two things – summer and important relationships. Whether it’s time at a cottage, camping, or a trip to grandma’s house, we are wired to cherish relationships. One of the things we value most, as parents, are love and harmony throughout our family and rich times together to enjoy it.