“Please Pass The Turkey” (And Your Values)
Thanksgiving is one of my favourite times of the year. Family, friends, tons of food, sunny cool weather, beautiful fall produce and the grandeur of the fall colours. It’s hard not to be thankful.
Over the years, I have heard it said from many different sources that an “attitude of gratitude” is a key factor for success. As Canadians, we have SO much to be grateful for. Consistently, independent surveys rank our country in the top few, and often the top country, to live in the world! We have vast land and water, incredible diversity of geography and people. We have an abundance of natural resources, political and economic stability and most importantly peace. We have an incredible infrastructure, world renowned education and health care facilities, the freedom to pursue our dreams and create substantial wealth. And I am just getting warmed up.
One of the strongest desires I find in the people we serve is the desire to pass their values before their valuables. They recognize the right values and character are more important to their family than valuables because with the right traits, valuables can be enhanced, and new ones created. Without these traits, the existing family valuables may not even be able to be maintained. The right values can help create financial wealth, but financial wealth does not create the right values. Thanksgiving provides a great opportunity for us to pass our values…and the cranberries.
I believe generous living is one of the greatest factors in enhancing harmony and unity in our lives and families. Generosity can be a wonderful magnet to pull a family closer together.
Here are two practical steps to take this Thanksgiving:
- Start a conversation about the importance of an “attitude of gratitude” and have people name at least one thing they are thankful for.
- Determine an age appropriate amount to give to each child/grandchild/niece, etc. Explain that as a gift to you, they are to determine a worthwhile cause that they want to help and to give away the money. When you gather again before the end of December, you want them to provide a card/note telling you where they made the gift and why. These cards will be some of your best presents this year – you will know you are sharing “the joy of giving” and you’ll get a precious view into what causes move the heart of your loved one. Be generous.
Life has challenges. This may have been an exceptional year for you and your family, or a difficult one. However, we have so much to be thankful for. Even in difficulty we can exercise our “attitude of gratitude”.
I am thankful for: 25 years with Kathy, incredible kids in Kait & Keaton, Luke and Brett, a home filled with laughter, health, a relevant faith, clients who become friends, talented staff and alliances, quality friends, more than we need, accomplished mentors, prime rib, sangria…